Saturday, September 17, 2011

16: Richmond to Danby Wiske

Day 11 done and dusted - we can't believe we are on the last 3rd of the walk - over 200km finished.  My feet are living proof of the kilometers completed (i think about 22 today) - the poor Noble Toe is suffering tonight and I now have 4 black toenails on my rightfoot:  very attractive!

Anyway enough of my ailments and on to the walking - a little bit boring today - all flat with no significant hills and quite a bit on roads, but some through farms which was good.  Misty rain this morning, but not enough to need the raincoat on all day. 

Said some farewells to other travellers today as a lot a continuining further on today as they are on the 14 day tour, not the 16 day we are on.  Lots of emails exchanged and hope we can keep in contact.

Danby Wiske is a tiny little village and we're staying at 'The Schoolhouse' with Doreen and the very chatty Frank.  It's always interesting chatting to the B&B owners and hearing their side of what it's like.  They are an older couple and starting to find it a bit tough coping with all the laundry etc themselves, but it didn't seem like there was enough profit in it to send the washing out to get done.  It seems like their customers are all C2C walkers and given the weather and shortness of the walking season, they are kind of locked into working like crazy for the 'season' to earn enough to carry them over the rest of the time.

Had a nice dinner at the pub just across the green with all the usual suspects.

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