Sunday, September 04, 2011

4 - London: Abbey Road

Today Joe & I set off for Abbey Road for a Beatles experience - the Abbey Road studios are still there as well as that famous crossing.  There's a live webcam where you can log-on and see yourself crossing, but the files are only archived for a week - its a bit of fun to see everyone replicating the Beatles album cover.

From there we walked down to Lords Cricket Ground and it's here I found a spot to redeem myself from the 'Holy Water' incident of a few days ago.  How was I to know (as a non-catholic) that a sign at the Holy Water tap at Westminster saying 'fill up water bottles here' doesn't mean to fill your drinking water bottle!  Mandy nearly had a a conniption when she saw what we'd done, and so we'd been carrying this bottle of water around until we found a suitable place for it - many people had been consulted and it was decided that it would be OK to use it to water a (sick) plant.  Anyway, just outside Lords, is the Lords Inn, and in the entrance was a struggling box plant so it received a nice drink of holy water.  Hopefully I am now saved from going straight to hell - well from that misdemeanor anyway!

There was local county game between Middlesex and Leicestershire on at Lords so in we went for an hour or so to soak up the atmosphere - loved seeing the ground attendants in their green blazers and a couple of guys in the members stand in their maroon and gold blazers.  Saw Andrew Strauss, Colin Colleymore and Chris Rogers - an up an coming Aussie batter playing in the UK over our winter.

Back to the apartment in Russell Square to pick up Mandy then she & I went for a quick trip to Harrods and a walk through Chelsea to see if we could spot any celebrities.  Lots of beautiful people out and about, but no-one we recognised.  We decided Marks and Spencer might be more in our price range than Harrods!

Back home again to Jamie Oliver sausages (excellent!!), mash and vegies courtesy of Joe who had amused himself while we were away by helping out collect glasses at the local we have been frequenting!

Last night in London tonight, so lots of re-packing and cleaning up ready for an early start tomorrow.  Train to Watford to pick up a hire car and then we head north to Yorkshire!

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